About me

I have completed my undergraduate study from the Institute of New information technology, Kyrgyz State University Construction, Transport and Architectures (KSUCTA), (2005-2010), field of study – “Geoinformatics”, (diploma with honors). Theme of my diploma project was “GIS Project for assessment of territory for reforesting in Kyrgyzstan”. After my graduation with distinction I have started my work at Department of Geodesy & Geoinformatics, KSUCTA as an assistant teacher and teacher. And these time, I have studied and have graduated at the Master Program “Geodesy”, (Geodetic support construction of engineering structures) of KSUCTA, (2010 – 2012), diploma with honors. And also I have graduated UNIGIS Professional at the University of Salzburg, Austria and awarded a UNIGIS Professional Diploma, (2010-2015).I have been admitted to a PhD program at the National Academy of Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, Institute of Geomechanics and development of mineral resources. Duration of study, from 2013-2016. My academic supervisor is Director Institute of geomechanics and development of mineral resources in the NAS KR,prof. Kozhogulov Kamchibek. My preliminary themes: Assessment and research for the condition dumps at the “Kumtor Gold mining birth place” by using GIS and Remote Sensing
I am working as GIS specialist at Austria-Central Asia Centre For GIScience, (KSUCTA) and Kyrgyz Republic's Community Development and Investment Agency. And also I work within various international-education projects. I love sharing what I've learned with them and to help.
I am very interested in enhancing my professional knowledge and skills in Geoinformation systems and technology (GIS). I am studying to improve my professional knowledge at the PhD Program of the Department of Surveying & Remote Sensing, Faculty of Forestry, University of West Hungary. My academic supervisor is Head of Department of Surveying & Remote Sensing, PhD, prof. Kornél Czimber. My study was supported by the project “gSmart – Spatial ICT Infrastructures for Smart Places”, funded by Erasmus Mundus Action 2 (EMA 2) .
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