My PhD study at UWH

My PhD study at Department of Surveying and Remote Sensing, Faculty of Forestry, University of West Hungary started at first of September 2015 and my studies supported Erasmus Mundus project "gSmart - Spatial ICT infrastructures for Smart Places". My PhD research is focused on assessment, Application of Remote Sensing technologies for the Environmental impact analysis in Kumtor gold mining company in Issyk-Kul region of Kyrgyzstan. Remote sensing will provide objective and reliable spatial information which could be useful for solving the our problems. Data obtained remote sensing provide comprehensive geographic (spatial) information about the condition of the test area on the present and previous and the aim of the research also includes an assessment of environmental conditions in the study area.
At the beginning of my studies, I have participated in a field trip on subject Geographical research methodology. The study area was the Balaton region, our supervisor prof. Veress Marton from Departement of Physical Geography, University of West Hungary. We were mountains of Úrkút, Bakony, Kab-hegy, Tihany half-island, Shalfold natural stone pillar. It was very interesting and useful for me.
In the first semester I study the following courses:
- Digital Photogrammetry - associate professor, Dr. Géza Király
- Open Source GIS - associate professor, Dr. Kornél Czimber, Dr. Gábor Béla Brolly
- WebGIS - associate professor, Dr. Kornél Czimber
- Spatial Analysis - prof. Dr. Márkus Béla
- Digital Cartography / Geovisualisation - associate professor, Dr. Põdör Andrea
In the second semester I am studying the following courses:
- GIS project management - prof. Dr. Márkus Béla
- Remote Sensing - associate professor, Dr. Géza Király
- Laser scanning - associate professor, Dr. Géza Király
- GIS application development - associate professor, Dr. Kornél Czimber